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Hong Kong order process

Step 1.


Add the product to the shopping cart to checkout.

Step 2.


Register/log in as a member.

Step 3.



Choose the delivery location and delivery method.

Fill in the receiving information and send out the order.

Step 4.


Customer service will quote a price in HK$.

Step 5.


ATM transfer payment and provide payment receipt.

Step 6.


Shipment (Normal temperature delivery).


All promotion offers are applicable.Thank you for your order.

匯率換算 Exchange Rate


All products in this mall are priced in New Taiwan Dollars and converted to Hong Kong Dollars according to the Xe currency converter on the day of order.
Exchange rate can be found at any local bank or Xe Currency Converter.


  • 發送訂單之前,請仔細確認內容正確無誤。
  • 國際運輸成本非常高,單瓶零購不划算。建議批量購買6罐以上或量販中包裝/大包裝的商品,可以降低購買成本與運輸處理費。
  • 單筆消費滿NT$4000以上免運費;NT$4000以下加收運輸處理費NT$500。
  • 請仔細閱讀:【海外地區退換貨與注意事項】。


  • Please carefully confirm that the content is correct before sending the order.
  • International transportation costs are very high, and it is not cost-effective to buy a single bottle at zero. It is recommended to buy more than 6 cans or mass-marketed/large-packaged goods, which can reduce the purchase cost, transportation and various processing fees.
  • Free shipping for a single purchase of NT$4000 or more; NT$500 will be charged for transportation and handling fees below NT$4000.
  • Please read carefully:【Overseas returns and exchange】。


Explanation diagram of order process


如果您還有任何疑問歡迎洽詢消費者客服部 Tel:886-2-26336117 Fax:886-2-26334066 或以電子郵件與我們連絡
Please contact customer service of Golden Health if you have any queries. Telephone and fax numbers (provided above) or Email.